Colonic Cleansing and Infrared Body Wrap

Colonic Cleansing and Infrared Body Wrap


4 Colonic Cleansing and 4 Infrared Body Wrap Sessions
Value of: $880 You Pay: $600 You Save: 69%



90% of Americans are unaware of the importance of colon cleansing for maintaining optimal health.
Just as we prioritize daily hygiene—like showering, brushing our teeth, and washing our
hair—internal cleansing is equally crucial. Unfortunately, many neglect this until a health issue
arises as a warning sign. Prevention is key to long-term wellness.

A self administrated open system infuses the colon with warm, filtered water,
which then flushes waste out of the body. During the session, you can perform
light abdominal massage to enhance the results, often leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Good to know: Patients will wear a gown and be discreetly covered during the treatment.
In order for you to have a complete cleansed colon , we do recommend about 6 sessions; you might more.